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Home > Blog > How to Build Credit
How to Build Credit9/5/2024

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It might seem like forever before you have to start thinking about credit cards and paying back loans. But before you know it, you'll be buying your first car or trying to find your footing in a college or trade school.

Chances are you'll need a loan or credit card to help you achieve your goals. While you may not need an auto loan or credit card right now, it's important to learn about credit and how you can build your credit history so you can be confident in your future financial independence.

How do you get credit when you have no credit history?

  • Open an individual savings and checking account.

    Having a savings and checking account at a credit union like Members First Credit Union of Florida means you're already a step in the right direction. Conducting transactions on your accounts, like making consistent deposits and making sure your checking account is never overdrawn will show that you can handle money responsibly.
  • Apply for a first-time credit card.

    A credit card like Members First Credit Union of Florida's first-time credit card typically has a lower credit limit but gives you the opportunity to build your credit history. Flex your financial muscles by making on-time and in-full payments when your credit card statement comes and, don't max-out your credit limit or charge more than you can afford to pay back. Doing so will ensure you have healthy credit and greater spending power in the future.
  • Apply for a secured credit card.

    You might be asking what the difference is between a secured credit card and a typical credit card. The biggest difference is that secured credit cards require a cash security deposit, while regular/unsecured cards do not. The cash deposit you make when you open your secured credit card is equal to your credit limit. If you have bad or no credit history, you can use a secured credit card to your advantage. Using this tool responsibly will help you build a solid payment history, improve your credit, and qualify for a regular credit card with better benefits in time.
  • Ask a parent or guardian to co-sign the account.

    If you don't qualify for credit on your own, having a co-signer with good or excellent credit history can help you. Co-signers show their faith in you and take a risk in the process because what you do with your loan has the potential to negatively impact their score and wallet. For example, late payments will negatively affect your credit and theirs, and if you don't make payments, they're held responsible for repaying the loan. Make your payments on time so you can build a strong credit history and apply for credit on your own in the future.

A bit of advice...

Don't be fooled by quick fixes and too-good-to-be-true offers. It takes time to establish a strong credit history. Build your record by showing you have the ability to pay your bills consistently, on-time, and aren't borrowing more than you can afford.

Once you build your credit, protect it. Be careful where you shop, especially online, don't store sensitive information on your devices, avoid checking your account(s) using public Wi-Fi networks, don't share your account information or PIN with anyone, and get in the habit of shredding documents before you throw them out.


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Equal Housing Lender National Credit Union Administration
This Credit Union is federally-insured by the National Credit Union Administration. We do business in accordance with the Fair Housing Law and Equal Opportunity Credit Act.
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