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We understand that the current road conditions are less than ideal, and in light of this, our offices will also remain closed for the safety of our staff and members. We understand that the current road conditions are less than ideal, and in light of this, our offices will also remain closed for the safety of our staff and members. You can still access your accounts 24/7 through: ATMs – Convenient cash withdrawals and deposits; Internet Banking – Manage your accounts from home; Mobile Banking – Transfer funds, pay bills, and deposit checks on the go. Please check back for updates on when we will resume normal operations.

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Internet Bill Pay


With Internet Bill Pay from Members First Credit Union of Florida, you have access to one of the most convenient features around. Save time and money by paying your bills online for free. There’s no need to drive to the post office or spend cash on stamps. Just set the bill to be paid from your Members First checking account. You can also schedule your payments to be automatically taken out on a certain date. That means no more worries about late payments.


Send Payments
Throughout the U.S.

Pick from a list of known/common
payees or add your own.

Schedule Payments
Ahead of Time

Schedule payments ahead of time or
set-up recurring payments.

Get Reminders When
Your Next Bill Is Due

Set a payment reminder and
we'll email you 10 days before
your bill is due.


Getting Started on Bill Pay

You Must Be Enrolled in
Internet Banking to Use
Bill Pay. Not Enrolled?


Enroll For Bill Pay With Your Personal Computer

  1. Sign in to Internet Banking on your personal computer. 
  2. Select 'Bill Payment' from the blue menu bar at the top of the page.
  3. Accept the Terms & Conditions to get started. 

Enroll For Bill Pay With the Mobile App

  1. Sign in the MFCU Mobile App. 
  2. Select 'Bill Pay' from the menu bar at the bottom of the app.
  3. Accept the Terms & Conditions to get started. 

View Enrollment Video


How to Use Bill Pay

  1. Sign in to Internet Banking or the MFCU Mobile App.  
  2. Navigate to the Bill Pay service.
  3. If you're logged in on your personal computer, you can select from a list of common payees or use the search box. If you're logged in on the MFCU Mobile App, navigate to 'Payees' and enter your payee in the 'Add a person or business' field. 
  4. You will be prompted to add a Nickname for the payee, Your Account Number as it appears on your bill, or other required information. 
  5. Once these fields are filled, select 'Add Payee'.


  1. Sign in to Internet Banking or the MFCU Mobile App.
  2. Navigate to the Bill Pay service.
  3. Select the payee. 
  4. If you have multiple checking accounts with Members First, select the account you want the payment come from.
  5. Enter the amount you want to pay.
  6. Click the 'Pay' button. 


Alerts & Reminders

Using our Reminder feature will help you stay on top of payments coming due by displaying a countdown to the due date when you long in, and sending you an email reminder ten (10) days before the due date.


To keep you informed, we send several types of email notifications to you based on various triggers.

We let you know when:

  • We make a payment on your behalf
  • There was a problem making one of your payments
  • We receive an eBill for one of your payees
  • A payee is added to your profile

There are many more alerts as well. To view alerts that are available to you or configure the alerts you want or don't want to receive, click on the “Edit reminder and alert preferences” link in the “I want to...” box at the bottom of the right hand side of the main bill pay page.

A checkmark in the check box indicates an alert is active. No check mark indicates the alert is disabled. Click the checkbox to toggle the alert on and off. If you make changes, don't forget to click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

A grayed out checkmark means it is a system alert and it will be automatically generated. These alerts cannot be turned off and you will always be notified if one of these issues occurs.


A Reminder is a simple way to never lose track of when your next payment is due. The Bill Pay system counts down the number of days until your next payment is due and displays the information next to your payee's name when you log in. You will also be sent an email alert ten (10) days before the due date.

A reminder does not mean your bill will be paid automatically. Your bill will only be paid automatically if you have specifically set up an automatic payment.

If you set up a reminder, when you log in, you will see the number of days until your next due date listed next to your payee's name.

Add a Reminder

To set up a reminder:

  1. Sign in to Internet Banking.
  2. Locate the payee that needs to be updated in your payee list and click on its corresponding Options link.
  3. Select the “Next due reminder” tab from the navigation on the left hand side of the Options window.
  4. Enter the frequency you make your payment (once a week, once a month, etc.), the next due date, and click the Save button.

A reminder can also be set up in the payment confirmation area that is displayed below your payee when you set up a payment for a payee that does not currently have an automatic payment set up or is not an eBill.

To set up a reminder from the payment confirmation area, click on the “Want a reminder?” link, adjust the date as needed, and click the Save button.

Note: If you set up an eBill or a recurring payment, there is no need to set up a reminder. In fact, the service won't let you, but you will see a reminder when you log in. The next due date will be displayed to the left of your payee's name and you will receive a notification when your bill arrives, or when your next recurring payment is scheduled to be sent.

Edit a Reminder

Follow the steps below to change the next due date or the frequency of your Reminders:

  1. Locate the payee that needs to be updated in your payee list and click on its corresponding Options link.
  2. Select the “Next due reminder” tab from the navigation on the left hand side of the Options window.
  3. Update the frequency and/or the next due date, and click the Save button.

Note: When you make a payment from within the Bill Pay service, we will automatically “fast forward” the countdown to your next due date. If you don't make a payment through our service but want to “fast forward” ahead to the next due date, hover your mouse over the next due number on the side of your payee name in the payee list and click on the fast forward icon. You can also edit the next due date by following the instructions above.

Delete (Turn off) Reminders

Follow the steps below to stop the next due countdown and Reminder emails.

  1. Locate the payee that needs to be updated in your payee list and click on its corresponding Options link.
  2. Select the “Next due reminder” tab from the navigation on the left hand side of the Options window.
  3. Click the “Turn off” link in the top right corner of the Options window.


  1. Sign in to Internet Banking or the MFCU Mobile App.
  2. Navigate to the Bill Pay service.
  3. If you're logged in on your personal computer, go to the payee you want to set a recurring payment for. If you're logged in on the MFCU Mobile App, navigate to 'Payees' and select from your list of existing payees.
  4. If you're logged in on your personal computer, select 'Options' and go to Automatic Payments. If you're logged in on the MFCU Mobile App, select 'Auto Pay'
  5. Set the Amount to be paid, the Frequency, Start Date, and End Date. 



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When adding a payee (or trying to edit your payee later), don't be alarmed if we do not ask you for an address to which to send your payment. This just means that we have a relationship with this payee where we either pay them electronically, or the payee asked us to send payments to an address that might not match the address they give you on your bill.


Due to legal requirements, we limit the ability to make certain types of payments. Payments to payees outside of the United States are prohibited and may not be issued under any circumstances. In addition, the following payments are discouraged, but may be scheduled at your own risk:

  • tax payments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or any state or other government agency
  • court-ordered payments, such as alimony or child support
  • payments to insurance companies

We will not notify you if you attempt to make any of these payments and we will not be liable for these prohibited or discouraged payments.


Tell us the day you want your payment sent and we take care of the rest.

Use our calendar widget when scheduling payments to assist in understanding when a payment can be delivered. Available dates will be displayed in blue. Unavailable dates including weekends, holidays, or a date that would not allow us to deliver the payment in time are grayed out and not selectable.


The answer depends on a few factors:

  • Electronic payments: If we make your payment electronically, your account is debited on the day you scheduled that it be sent.
  • Check payments: The funds will be debited from your account one (1) to two (2) days after the send on date.

Note: To determine if a payment will be paid electronically or by check, locate the payment in the “Scheduled payments” section of the main page and click the edit icon. How a payment is scheduled to be made, electronic or check, will display in the pop-up box next to “Type.”


An eBill is an electronic copy of your paper bill that you can view anytime from within the Bill Pay service.

eBills are a secure and convenient way to keep all of your bills in one place. You will be notified when an eBill arrives and when it is due so you never have a late payment.


The last 24 months of payment history and eBills are available online for you to view. If for some reason you need payment information dating back past 24 months, give us a call and we will help you retrieve that information.


We send many types of notifications and alerts to you via email to keep you informed and up to date regarding your payments. Some alerts are system generated and cannot be turned off, but there are many others you can choose to “turn on” or “turn off”. For more information on managing your notifications, click here and then click on 'Payment Reminders & Alerts'


You can change your email address by clicking on the My Settings link in the header of the main bill pay page.


Find the payee in your list and click on its corresponding Options link.

The Options window will open allowing you to perform the following tasks:

  • Your Bill (eBill): enroll/edit/un-enroll. This tab only appears if an eBill is available for the payee.
  • Next due reminder: add/edit/delete a next due reminder.
  • Automatic payment: add/edit/delete a recurring payment rule for a payee.
  • Expedited payment: send an expedited electronic or overnight check to a payee.
  • Account Information: add/edit your payee account information.
  • Delete payee: permanently deletes this payee from the system. If you need to make a subsequent payment to a deleted payee, you will need to add that payee again.
  • Hide payee: hides your payee from your payee list – a way to manage a long list of payees.



Contact Us

If you have any questions about Internet Bill Pay, please call our Member Information Call Center at (850) 434-2211 or toll-free at (877) 434-6328. Our Call Center hours are Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. You can also stop by one of our branch locations during normal business hours.




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Members First CU of Florida
NMLS #405711
Equal Housing Lender National Credit Union Administration
This Credit Union is federally-insured by the National Credit Union Administration. We do business in accordance with the Fair Housing Law and Equal Opportunity Credit Act.
Members First Credit Union of Florida is not affiliated with Members First Credit Union (Kentucky)

Members First Credit Union of FL is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience in accordance with ADA standards and guidelines. If you are using a screen reader or other auxiliary aid and are having problems using this website, please contact us at 877-434-6328. We are actively working to increase accessibility and usability of our website to everyone. All products and services available on this website are available at all Members First Credit Union of FL branches.


Any external links or websites to alternative sites are not operated by Members First Credit Union of FL. We are not responsible for the content of the alternate site or their accessibility standards.