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Home > eStatement Benefits: Reasons to Make the Switch
eStatement Benefits: Reasons to Make the Switch5/20/2023

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If you haven't made the switch to online statements yet, now is a great time to think about clearing the clutter and safeguarding your accounts by signing up for eStatements. We're sharing some benefits of eStatements and why you should consider ditching the "snail mail" and enroll in eStatements today!

Access Your Statements Faster

Because the printing and shipping process for paper statements takes time, it could be taking you longer to receive your statements. Unlike paper statements, eStatements can be accessed quickly. That means you can begin reviewing the payment and deposit history of your account(s) as soon as it's available.

Eliminate the Risk of Identity Theft Through Lost or Stolen Mail

Between shorting and shipping, sometimes errors occur. So it should come as no surprise that paper statements are easier to lose or intercept during the mailing process. Additionally, paper statements are more susceptible to identity theft, since your personal information is accessible to anyone who happens to stumble upon them. eStatements can offer you an extra layer of security since you must be logged in Internet Banking or Mobile Banking to view them.

Recieve Alerts When Your Statement is Ready

We'll notify you when your new statement is available. This means you don't have to patrol your mailbox wondering when your statement will arrive and if not, if it was lost or stolen in the mail.

Review Up to 18 Months of Statement History

Digging through paper files to review your payment or deposit history can be stressful and messy. With eStatements, you can access your statements directly from Internet Banking or the Members First Credit Union of Florida Mobile Banking app. From there, you'll be able to view, print, and download up to 18 months of statement history.

Stay Organized Without the Clutter

Even if you have a file cabinet at home, sifting through files to find last month's or the last few month's of your statement history can be cumbersome. In addition, you have to worry about properly shredding and disposing your paper statements at the end of the year. With eStatements, your statement history is online and at the ready whenever you need it.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Regardless of how small the action, it's always nice when we can do something that helps our environment. By enrolling in eStatements you're helping us in our efforts to go green by reducing paper waste and also reducing your carbon footprint.

It's Free!

That's right, making the switch to eStatements won't cost you a cent and of course you'll enjoy the other benefits we've already mentioned.


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NMLS #405711
Equal Housing Lender National Credit Union Administration
This Credit Union is federally-insured by the National Credit Union Administration. We do business in accordance with the Fair Housing Law and Equal Opportunity Credit Act.
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