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We understand that the current road conditions are less than ideal, and in light of this, our offices will also remain closed for the safety of our staff and members. We understand that the current road conditions are less than ideal, and in light of this, our offices will also remain closed for the safety of our staff and members. You can still access your accounts 24/7 through: ATMs – Convenient cash withdrawals and deposits; Internet Banking – Manage your accounts from home; Mobile Banking – Transfer funds, pay bills, and deposit checks on the go. Please check back for updates on when we will resume normal operations.

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New Look, Same Great Card and More.


Members First Credit Union of Florida is thrilled to inform you that we are upgrading our Visa® credit card experience. If you're currently a cardholder, this means a few changes to your account, so we want to ensure that you are well-informed about what to expect.

Your new credit card will come with the following new features:


contactless icon

Tap to Pay Functionality

Look for the contactless symbol on the payment terminal. Save time every time you tap!

24/7 Cardholder Service

For balance transfer inquiries, payment information, transaction history, statement requests, or to dispute a charge, call 1 (888) 999-7554 (toll-free U.S.) or (531) 262-5296 (International).

Enhanced Security Features

Your new credit card comes with a new look and enhanced security features, including chip technology and fraud monitoring, offering protection against unauthorized transactions with zero fraud liability.


New Card Activation Checklist

Once you receive your new Members First Visa® Credit Card in the mail, there are a few things you'll have to do:

  • Activate your card on February 26, 2024, according to the instructions provided with your new card and destroy you old card after activation.
  • Update any automatic payments with your new card number, CVV/CVC, and expiration date.
  • Add your new card to your Digital Wallet for additional ways to pay.



  • Your current card will no longer work after 2/25/2024.
  • To avoid interruption in your lifestyle, your new Members First Credit Union of Florida Visa credit card will be mailed on 2/12/2024.
    • Please anticipate 7-10 business days for delivery.
  • Activate your new card on 2/26/2024. Please do not attempt to activate it prior to this date.
    • Upon activation, take a moment to update any automated payments, card on file merchants, mobile wallet services, and other linked payment credentials to your new credit card.
    • Destroy your current credit card.
  • All cardholders, regardless of whether they are primary or secondary cardholders will receive a new card with a unique credit card number, expiration date, and CVV/CVC (Card Verification Code — three-digit number on the back of the card).
  • If you plan to use your credit card for cash advances, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required. Customize a PIN during the activation of the card or at a later time to select your PIN.
  • Be sure to download and save all historical credit card e-statements from eZCard® before the platform is discontinued. This will allow you to keep a record of your transactions for future reference.
  • Ensure that you do not miss any recurring payments or credits that need to be transferred to your new credit card.
  • If you have any questions, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any additional questions or inquiries prior to the conversion date of 2/26/2024, please call us at (850) 434-2211.
  • If you have questions or inquiries after the conversion date of 2/26/2024, please call Cardholder Services at 1 (888) 999-7554. A representative will be available to answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • If mailing a check in February, please include your payment stub with your check and mail to: Members First Credit Union of Florida, P.O. Box 12983, Pensacola, FL 32591. After 2/26/2024, the permanent mailing address will be:
    Members First Credit Union of Florida
    P.O. Box 2711
    Omaha, NE 68103-2711

  • If payment is made via bill pay service, automatic debit, or automatic transfer (via eZCard or MFCU internet banking) — ACTION IS REQUIRED. Remember to update your account information, payment address, or transfer request information when the first statement for your new card arrives.

Why am I receiving a new Credit Card?

Members First Credit Union of Florida is upgrading your Members First Visa credit card experience. This change requires that a new card be issued.

Will my interest rate change as part of this conversion and card issuance?

No. Your interest rate and other terms of your account will not be changing.

Will I have a new PIN so I can access cash with my new credit card?

Yes. You may select your unique PIN by calling the number on the activation label and choosing the corresponding option.

My current card does not expire for quite a while; can I continue using my current card until expiration?

No. Your current card will not work after 2/25/2024. Instructions will come with your new card to ensure it is ready to use on or after 2/26/2024.

My spouse and I both have Members First Credit Union of Florida Visa credit cards, but I only received one card in the mail. Will my spouse be receiving a new card?

Yes. As a security feature, all cards being issued with this conversion will have a unique number and will arrive separately. However, you will continue to receive only one billing statement, regardless of the number of cards on the account.

What do I need to do if I have preauthorized or recurring payments that are tied to my existing Members First Credit Union of Florida Visa Credit Card?

To ensure there is no interruption with recurring or preauthorized payments (such as monthly utility bills, insurance payments, club dues, etc.) contact the merchant after your card is activated on 2/26/2024 with your new card number and expiration date.

Will I need to send my payment to a new location after the conversion?

Yes. The new address will be included on the statement. If you pay this bill through online bill payment or check, after 2/26/2024, you will need to update the mailing address to Members First Credit Union of Florida, P.O. Box 2711, Omaha, NE 68103-2711, to ensure that your payment reaches the processor by your due date.

I set up my monthly Credit Card payment as an automatic ACH transfer, payroll deduction, or recurring transfer via ezCard or MFCU internet banking. Do I have to make any changes?

To avoid interruptions in your automated payments, please contact your service provider (I.E. - another financial institution or bill pay service) after 2/26/2024. Share your new card number and payment address, which is: Members First Credit Union of Florida, P.O. Box 2711, Omaha, NE 68103-2711. After 2/26/2024, automatic payments set up in eZCard will need to be re-established via "My Cards". MFCU internet banking transfers will also need to be deleted and re-established. Rest assured that the automatic ACH payments that we set up for you at the Credit Union will be transferred over to the new processor without any action required on your part.

Will I have access to my credit card records during the conversion?

Yes. However, due to system upgrades, online credit card payments and access to credit card records will not be available from 5:00 p.m. CST on 2/22/2024 until the system upgrade is complete. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

Will my current card history transfer to my new card so that I have access to the information if needed?

No. Your current card history will be retained for customer service inquiries only. However, you will not be able to access statements/history online at eZCard after 2/26/2024, so we recommend you save the statements to your computer or print hard copies before this date.

Will the fraud security alert phone number change?

Yes. The new number will be 1 (833) 763-2013. This is the number you will see on your caller ID if we need to contact you regarding possible fraud activity. Please add this number to the contact list on your phone.




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Members First CU of Florida
NMLS #405711
Equal Housing Lender National Credit Union Administration
This Credit Union is federally-insured by the National Credit Union Administration. We do business in accordance with the Fair Housing Law and Equal Opportunity Credit Act.
Members First Credit Union of Florida is not affiliated with Members First Credit Union (Kentucky)

Members First Credit Union of FL is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience in accordance with ADA standards and guidelines. If you are using a screen reader or other auxiliary aid and are having problems using this website, please contact us at 877-434-6328. We are actively working to increase accessibility and usability of our website to everyone. All products and services available on this website are available at all Members First Credit Union of FL branches.


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